

Why Does The Strawberry is Red ? 
By : Sendria

Long time ago strawberry was green, doesn’t have polkas and it taste bitter. Nobody wanted to eat strawberry because its taste. One day, there born polka green strawberry. It was different from other strawberry because it had some polka.

One day, there lived a handsome prince who liked adventure.Then he found that polka strawberry. He wonder, why this strawberry was different from others ? Are the taste is same ? He was very curious and he decide to taste it. He picked it and suddenly its body became red. He was very surprised. Then the prince asked to that strawberry. "Why your body change into red ?" Then strawberry answer with ashamed, ”honestly, I feel shy because my body was full of acne.” Because of that its body become red. story by sendria

The prince said “May I taste you?” And it answered “Why not?” After that he bit it. Its taste sour not bitter like the other. He said “It’s wonderful.” Prince very like that strawberry’s taste. So he decided to plant its seeds and breed it, until its species spread around the world as known as red strawberry that we know.


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